
Transformation Wellness Center offer



Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on improving flexibility, strength, and overall body awareness, without building bulk.  It was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th Century, and has since gained popularity worldwide.  What is the attraction?  This method of exercise emphasizes slow, controlled movements, proper alignment, and breath control, all which contribute to longer, leaner, stronger muscles, fewer sports injuries, and a healthier lymphatic and adrenal system as toxins are flushed out.  The top 5 defining characteristics of the Pilates method are:

  • Control: Every movement in Pilates is done with control, with the muscles working to lift against gravity and the resistance of springs or bands.
  • Centering: Pilates exercises are centered around the core, specifically the muscles in the abdomen, lower back, hips, and buttocks. This focus helps improve overall strength and stability.
  • Concentration: Pilates requires intense concentration on precise and flowing movements. Mind-body connection is crucial to perform exercises with maximum efficiency.
  • Precision: Precision in movement is emphasized to ensure the correct muscles are working and to prevent unnecessary stress on the joints.
  • Breath: Proper breathing is integral to Pilates. Joseph Pilates referred to it as “lateral thoracic breathing,” which involves breathing deeply into the ribcage to engage the diaphragm.
  • Flow: Pilates exercises are designed to flow smoothly from one to the next, creating a seamless and graceful workout.


The beauty of Pilates, is that people of all fitness levels can benefit from it, as it can be adapted to individual needs and abilities.  It is commonly used for rehabilitation purposes, improving posture, and enhancing overall strength and flexibility.  Call us today, to see if Pilates is the right workout for you, and for a free consultation!

The Key elements of Pilates

Lengthening short muscles and strengthening weak muscles

Improving the quality of movement

Focusing on the core postural muscles to stabilize the body

Working to place thebreath correctly

Controlling even the smallest movements

Understanding and improving good body mechanics

Mental relaxation

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